Our Blessings

Monday, November 8, 2010

appointment updates

i had an appointmet on Nov 2 and there was nothing to report. which is good news :) my main concern was that im not feeling the baby kick very often yet. ive been feeling flutters since maybe 17 weeks... and at the appointment, i was 22, and hoping they would be consistent. i never felt flutters with kathlyn until 22 weeks... so it was at least sooner than that. but she was never very active and i think this baby wont be either. or maybe im just unlucky with my larger frame, i just cant feel kicks as much as a thinner person.

ive been buying WAYY too many clothes... i really didnt need anything at all. i had it all for kathlyn. but just a few things to make up for seasonal differences.. a february baby instead of a july baby.. but it goes beyond that. i have NO will power... i shouldnt be allowed to go into a mall for any reason!!

whenver i see a pregnant person buying things... or even my own friends having their showers... i think to myself, that's cute, but you know your baby could still die... dont assume. and now here i am.. buying things for my new baby when there's no guarantee. i'm so jaded. but i still wanted the new baby to have some of her own things too. she deserves it.

and i love her so much <3

next appointment with ultrasound/growth scan... Nov 30!! then two weeks after that, my glucose test.. then 2 weeks after that, i'll start weekly NSTs... getting closer!!! :)

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